Causing serious collisions on roads

Reducing the ability of farmers to earn a living

Help us prevent feral deer numbers growing out of control in The Northern Rivers.
We need the whole community to stay on Feral Deer Alert, while you’re driving, bushwalking or managing your property.
When you first see a deer or two in the landscape it can be a novelty.
But feral deer can quickly breed and develop into large herds with even bigger appetites.
As the numbers of feral deer grow, their population growth and the problems they cause become very difficult to manage.
There are now six species of feral deer in Australia, causing significant and widespread problems.
In regions not far from The Northern Rivers feral deer are already:
The Northern Rivers is one of the only areas left on the eastern seaboard of Australia where deer have not yet become established.
We believe this is partly due to the protection offered by the historical cattle tick gate and the exclusion of deer farms.
But feral deer are now being seen in The Northern Rivers more frequently. You may only see one or two feral deer at first, but it is likely there are many more out of sight.
We have an opportunity to prevent them changing our landscapes forever, but we need to act now.
A group of Councils has come together with the Tweed Landcare and Border Ranges-Richmond Valley Landcare networks to raise awareness in The Northern Rivers community.
Our plan is to prevent feral deer numbers growing out-of-control, by managing deer populations while they are still small.
We are asking for the community’s help to learn where, when and which feral deer species are being seen locally.
It is only when we obtain this important information that we are able to start to manage feral deer numbers.
Help us prevent feral deer numbers growing out-of-control in The Northern Rivers.
We need the whole community to stay on Feral Deer Alert, while you’re driving, out bushwalking or managing your property. Look for the scats, tracks and other signs offeral deer such as damage to fences, gardens and crops and if you see one try to take a photo and report to Feral Deer Scan.